5 Teas That Will Spice Up Your Holiday Season

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

Warning: this article is definitely not for coffee lovers.

As colder weather and holiday season approaches, special treats and drinks are being trumpeted and advertised for everyone to see. You have drinks like the classic fall trophy-pumpkin spice, but you also have different types of coffees, cold brews, and “exotic” seasonal drinks.

However, tea (we’re talking real tea here, not Kermit-the-frog-type-tea) is always that one treasure that gets swept under the rug and forgotten about. Well I’m here to tell you that you should look no longer, for the tea-hero is here. Since most students stop at Starbucks, Dunkin, or Dutch Bros. before school, here are some teas to try!

#5 – Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea (Dutch Bros.)

Eggnog Chai Latte (Source: Starbucks)

This tea is perfect for those cold mornings when you’re dreading going to school. The warm cinnamon gives you hope for the rest of the school-day.

#4- Hot Cool Mint Tea (Dunkin ) 

The oxymoron in this tea throws you for a loop- but don’t be warned! While you can probably get hot minty tea anywhere, Dunkin is probably the fastest and cheapest way to get it. The cool mint puts you in a wintry spirit.

#3- Chai Eggnog Latte (Starbucks)

Christmas Morning Chai (Source: Dutch Bros.)

You can get this drink hot or iced! The eggnog adds a Christmas splash to the classic chai tea. While it may seem like eggnog and chai are two worlds that should never collide, they work seamlessly. It’s a warmer and thicker drink that heals any holiday blues and warms the holiday soul.

#2- Vanilla Chai (Dunkin) 

This chai is not quite as strong as typical chai but iced/hot vanilla chai from Dunkin never disappoints. It has just the perfect amount of vanilla flavor.

#1- Christmas Morning Chai (Dutch Bros.)

Christmas morning in a cup! Served iced, hot, or blended, this drink rings with holiday spirit. It’s a white chocolate chai that reminds you of just how wonderful Christmas can be. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, this drink certainly delivers a holiday feel.

Stay in the holiday and school spirit with these special drinks. Winter break is just around the corner!