English Class from a Mexican-American Viewpoint

Jordan Myers, Entertainment Editor

Shelly Krause, well known as an English teacher at Sahuaro, is now teaching English Literature from a Mexican-American viewpoint two periods a day. The class is just like any other English class, but it involves only literature by Latino authors, rather than the classic “dead white men” authors that generations before ours read and studied. In the class, they read novels about and by people of Mexican heritage and issues relevant to the Mexican-American Community.  “I took this class because I wanted to know more of my heritage and to find out how hard my people worked to get to where they’re at,” states Mario Gutierrez, senior.

Day of The Dead display outside of Ms. Krause’s room.

“I think traditionally in a lot of education in public schools, the viewpoints that are presented are not quite as diverse as they should be and what I like about this is that it gives a chance for people to look at the world from a different perspective,” Krause says. Mrs. Bouchard taught the class last year but retired. The class is available for Juniors and Seniors. It counts as a regular English class credit as well.