Extreme Right-Wing Candidate Wins Brazilian Presidential Election

Emma Walrath, Headline News Editor

Brazil has a new president, the far-right man, Jair Bolsonaro. He won against Fernando Hadda with 55.1% of the vote (57,797,847 votes). He is a part of the Social Liberal Party, which is a right wing national conservative party.

His win was not a surprise as he held a strong lead in the first round of voting that took place in October 7th.

Bolsonaro is known for being homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted and anti-immigrant. This is quite a shift from the left leaders that have lead the country for the past fifteen years. This is furthering a trend of Latin countries  shifting to the right.

He is very misogynistic and he is not denying it. In a video he is seen shoving a female lawmaker and telling her she’s, “too ugly to deserve rape.”

He also promotes violence and torture as means of problem solving. He has also been calling for the restoration of military rule. His views are popular, especially with the younger voters. Brazil is in the middle of a recession and the crime and homicide rates are continually rising. The people seem to be looking for a change. The younger vote can’t remember the time when the military was in complete power.

Bolsonaro is not loved by everyone as he was stabbed at a rally, just weeks before the election.

The long inauguration ceremony date has not been set yet, but it will be in the coming months. He then will appoint his cabinet and begin work as the Brazilian President.