North Carolina Student Shot And Killed by Another Student

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media and Communication

Jatwan Craig Cuffie

On Monday October 29 Jatwan Craig Cuffie, 16, a ninth grader at Butler High School shot and killed 10th grader
Bobby McKeithen. The fight broke out at approximately 7 a.m. Some students claimed they were aware of the fight, but not aware of Cuffie bringing a gun. After the shot(s) were fired police say “crowded halls immediately cleared and the school went on lockdown”. Cuffie (left) was charged with first degree murder on Monday afternoon. It is not clear if Cuffie had a lawyer or not. The principal of Butler High School says he is “incredibly saddened by the fact that we had a loss of life on one of our campuses today.”

On Monday afternoon students and parents gathered at BHS in Matthews, NC (outside of Charlotte) to remember and mourn student Bobby McKeithen (right).

Bobby McKeithen

Matthews Police Department
posted on Facebook on Monday:
“We have responded to a shooting at Butler High School this morning. There is one student that has been shot that was transported to the hospital with unknown injuries at this time. Another student has been taken into custody. This is believed to be an isolated incident and the scene has now been secured by police. Information on releasing students to their parents will be coming soon.”

From the spur of the moment, to not thinking things through, Jatwan Cuffie has not only taken a life but ruined his own, along with destroying both families.