Cougar Blood Drive – A Bloody Success

Emma Walrath, Headline News Editor

On Tuesday, October 16th Sahuaro’s National Honor Society hosted a blood drive with the American Red Cross in the McConnell gym.

The goal for the amount of people donating blood was originally set for 52 people and this goal was met and even exceeded! Because they surpassed their goal, the seniors of NHS get to sport a red band around their necks at their graduation ceremony.

The event went on without a hitch. Since it turned out so well, NHS is hosting another blood drive in the middle of March.  

All of the NHS members did an amazing job. The leader of the committee, senior Caitlin Manjarre said, “My committee did a great job of putting everything together.” 

Even in the United States, where someone needs blood every 2 seconds, donating blood can be scary and frightful for most teenagers. However, Cougars can bear the pain. When asked why she chose to give blood, junior Chloe Chavez said, “Saving three lives is more important than 10 minutes of pain.” 

The members of NHS are very grateful and want to say thank you to all of the Cougars who came out and donated blood!