Dark Day For “A” Mountain

Azalia Munoz, Senior Spotlight Editor

Thursday morning on October 11th, one of Tucson’s most loved places saw horrific tragedy. A 20-year-old driver who was five times over the legal alcohol limit was involved in a fatal crash. Officials say that the woman, Moreno, blew a 0.400 – the legal limit is 0.08. Moreno was speeding down the mountain, on the opposite side of the road, when she struck a 73-year-old man who was cycling down the mountain. This man, Ellwanger, had fatal injuries resulting in death. There are currently memorials on the side of the road where they found him.

After this impact, Moreno continued to speed down the mountain, hitting two more pedestrians on the way down (who only sustained minor injuries). She continued driving after these impacts, and only stopped when she crashed into boulders. Bystanders found Moreno in hysterics and urged her to stay at the scene. Moreno refused saying she “had children at home and needed to leave the scene before the police arrived.” The police detained Moreno as she attempted to walk away from the scene.

She was not compliant with the police, rolling around when she was detained. When she was admitted into the hospital she continued to defy the hospital members, and even became “combative.” Moreno is currently in the Pima County jail on a $100,000 bond. She is facing felony charges for hit-and-run, second degree murder, and three counts of endangerment.