Mysterious Model Murder

From Google Images

Marcela Marcial, Beat Investigator - Featured Athlete

Kelsey Quayle, a 28-year-old social media model got in a serious car accident on October 8, 2018. She was having a normal day, “on her way to work when her vehicle veered into oncoming traffic, crashing into three other cars.”

The model was soon transported to the Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. That’s when doctors find out that it wasn’t just a car accident. While she was getting treated, medics found a wound in her neck which was caused from a gunshot.

Model, Kelsey Quayle died on Wednesday, October 10th “when she was taken off life support,” Insider reported.

The Clayton County Police Department released footage of Quayle’s car moments before the car accident from a gas station on Friday.

Police believe she was shot right before the accident and it had her family really confused as to why it happened. Quayle’s sister told NBC, “She didn’t have any enemies, she never mentioned anything about any stalkers or never had a person that was bugging her,” then continued, “You know … she just moved there so she didn’t know anybody. It’s just a mystery for all of us.”

Her shooter has not been found and the police are still looking.