Bleed for a Good Cause

Emma Walrath, Headline News Editor

Ever 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. The causes can be trauma, cancer patients, burn victims, or surgery patients. People need blood everywhere. Giving blood can greatly help the people in need.

Here, at Sahuaro High School, in the practice gym at 8 am to 1:30 pm on Tuesday, October 16th NHS will be sponsoring a blood drive. To participate you need to be at least 16 years old and have a signed permission slip which you can get from a National Honors Society member, such as Chole Chavez, a Junior here at Sahuaro.

NHS is hoping to have around 50 people donate. One pint of blood can save up to three lives, and most  viable people are younger but they just don’t get the chance to donate

This is a great way to give back and it is completely safe and sterile!