VIVA Ms. Bork – New Yearbook Sponsor

VLUU L100, M100 / Samsung L100, M100

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media & Communication

Ms. Bork habla muy bien el español (speaks great Spanish) and runs the school year book. Wow! Not to mention, she gives out chocolate hearts on Valentine’s Day and Christmas baskets during the holidays, and she always enjoys showing her class their improvement by photographing them and showing them their progress throughout the course of the year.

Ms.Bork with her cousins in Alabama

This is Ms. Bork’s first year as the Yearbook Adviser but it’s not her first teaching here at Sahuaro.  You may know her as a Spanish teacher  (and one of the very best), but she is ready to take on the new challenge of producing our yearbook.  “It is a challenge!” she laughs,  “but I am doing the best I can! The students and I, we are both…learning.” This is also Ms. Bork’s first year sponsoring a club!  She said she just wants to do something different and very special with this edition, but when asked for spoilers she said, “We’re not giving those away today.”

Ms. Bork has been speaking Spanish since the very beginning. She says one of her biggest inspirations was Senior Lopez, a former teacher here at Sahuaro. Ms. Bork graduated in 1986, and started working here in 1997. She loves to travel and if she could travel to any Spanish speaking country she said, “Definitely Argentina, ohh and Spain!”

Also in Alabama ” My cousins took me to see where they make missiles or used to, don’t remember that much. It was cool though.”

Her favorite thing to do on the weekends is “definitely yard sailing!” she laughs.

Ms. Bork really loves her students and her biggest piece of advice is “Do what you’re supposed to be doing in school, and don’t do bad things.”