The Truth About Why Univison is No Longer Available on Dish Latino

Samantha Valdez, Opinion Editor

You heard that right. Latinos everywhere are incredibly upset over the fact that Dish Latino will no longer be including any Univison channels. So no more Univision, Galavision, or Unimas.

It’s no secret that modern day entertainment providers like Netflix, Hulu, etc… have taken over as our main form of entertainment, setting normal television channels or shows in crisis. For as long as many Latinos can remember, Univision had been the main stream for entertainment and news. Univision actually held 1st place for the longest time in being the most watched channel by the Latino community, and no other channels got close, but in the past couple of years things started to change and not in Univision’s favor. Telemundo, another popular Latino channel, kicked Univison off first place.

Telemundo had started a form of “Novela Series.” Some of the most popular novelas were, “El Senor De Los Cielos,” based off the Mexican drug trafficker Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Then there was “Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso,” based off a real story of Colombian women living in extreme poverty. There were a few other novelas also produced by Telemundo that became very popular. Such as, “Senora Acero,” and “El Chema.” What the public loved about these productions was that they were all culturally different. For example some of the novelas take place in Mexico and around Mexican culture and others in other countries like Colombia. 

We haven’t really gone into why Univision is no longer going to be on Dish Latino, so let’s dive in. In the beginning Dish and Univison had signed a five year contract, and everything was fine. When the contract expired Dish offered Univison the same contract, but Univision rejected it. Univision claimed they would sell their channels to Dish but they would charge higher prices for them. That’s when Dish decided to decline the offer. Dish’s reason for the decline was that they didn’t want to charge higher prices for their packets that offered Univison and its channels. Truthfully, that would be the only outcome if they would have accepted the offer and customers would have been unhappy.

The public thought Dish no longer wanted to include Univison in their services and started labeling Dish as a “racist” Television provider. After some digging the truth came out of Univision’s initial rejection, along with their condition of higher pricing. Then there was more

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digging.  It turns out Univison is at the peak of bankruptcy. Univision’s daytime productions such as “El Gordo y La Flaca,” “Despierta America,” and “Primer Impacto,” never backed down from being in first place, however a big factor that brought the channel into crisis was the amount of money they were using on technology, many of the shows started to use iPads, smart T.V.’s, and paying artists to perform on the shows. This led to many fired employees, changed budget for all Univison productions, and many cancelled shows.  One of the biggest concerns happening for Univison right now is that “La Copa Mundial,” is also going to be aired not only just on Univision but also on Telemundo for the first time ever possibly giving them less views.

The only show that will be filmed in the United States from now on will be “Nuestra Belleza Latina, but it will have a different format. All other shows that haven’t been cancelled will be filmed in Mexico because the cost of production will be less, some of these shows will be, “Pequeños Gigantes,” and “Mira Quién Baila.” One of the biggest shows that was cancelled was “La Virgen De Guadalupe.”

Univison reached out to New York Times Magazine who had contacted them via email about the rumored bankruptcy, and Univision responded with saying this process would take several years to complete.