The Mind Of Jake Paul

Azalia Munoz, Senior Spotlight Editor

The highly anticipated series on Youtube racked up roughly 9.6 million views in the first 24 hours within its release date on September 25th, and can possibly be well on its way to becoming Shane’s most viewed video to date. His most viewed is “The Secret World of Jeffree Star,” currently viewed at 24 million. The series follows controversial YouTuber, Jake Paul, someone who has faced extreme public scrutiny for his reckless and crude behavior. The “Paul” name has a bad rep. His brother, Logan Paul, has also received backlash for his videos. His infamous video about the suicide forest caused an outrage, people were outraged by the disrespect and lack of empathy shown in the video.

The documentary shows the rise and fall of the notorious Jake Paul, and his rise from the shadow of his brother, to one of the most fastest grossing channels of all time. In just around 4 years he has managed to gain over 17 million subscribers, and continues to grow daily. Shane embarks on this journey to see just exactly who Jake Paul is, and if his whole internet persona is an act. It is up in the air on whether or not he is a “sociopath”, the topic has sparked much debate on Twitter. People are upset because it can be argued that this is glamorizing something that people really do have, and it shouldn’t be a something to be taken lightly. Shane brings along a therapist who gives insight on the situation, and gives information on the characteristics on what makes a sociopath a sociopath.

Although, the 8-part series isn’t finished yet, prior to releasing the content he tweeted on how draining the series was to film. Shane said that there were over 100 hours of raw footage that they had to go through and edit. During the filming and editing of the series many people close to Jake requested to not be included in the series. This includes ex-girlfriends, friends, and even family. Logan Paul even denied to be interviewed for the series, and was quite upset with how he was portrayed. Jake’s mother has publicly voiced her anger for the series for the way she was also being portrayed as.

Everyone is anticipating the series finale – curious to see just how it will all end. Will the controversy die down, or will Shane be caught up in mess he wasn’t expecting?