From a Comedian to a Prisoner, Cosby Sentenced to 3-10 Years

Alyssa Urff, Sahuaro News Editor

From being a lively guest host on “The Tonight Show” to making audiences cry with laughter on “The Cosby Show” to living behind bars…Bill Cosby is not who we thought.

Bill Cosby ( Source: USA Today)

The Bill Cosby that made America laugh for decades was sentenced to 3-10 years in state prison after being found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand. September 25th marked the first day of Cosby being admitted into Montgomery County Correctional Facility in Eagleville, Pennsylvania.

This all started in 2004 when Andrea Constand was given incapacitating pills and later sexually assaulted by Cosby at his Pennsylvania mansion. She went to the authorities in 2005. The prosecutors ended up not pressing charges and the case was settled in civil court. A decade later, dozens of women came forward with the same accusations. Constand’s was the only case that fell within the statue of limitations and in 2015, Cosby was arrested. He was convicted of 3 counts of aggravated indecent assault.

On April 26, 2018 he was found guilty. While the three charges could have been sentenced 10 years for each, his charges were all treated as one since they all branch from the same event.

Andrea Constand (Source: Google Images)

Cosby will be serving time at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility until he is transferred elsewhere. Cosby chose not to testify at his trial. Since Cosby has been noted to show no remorse, the prosecutors asked for his sentence to be 5-10 years instead. Cosby’s defense asked for house arrest due to his old age and blindness.

Cosby’s sentence has been a relief for Constand and all of the other women that were hurt. More than 60 women have publicly accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them.

University of Arizona 1996 alumna, Andrea Constand, was a dynamic basketball player. She was one of the top-three female high school basketball players in Canada. Her amazing abilities made her an easy recruit. The rest of her family followed after she moved to Tucson for school. Constand was a shooting guard from 1992-1996 under coach Joan Bonvicini. With Bonvicini’s coaching and more playing, she went from shooting 2.3 average points per game her freshman year, to shooting 13.1 average points per game as a senior.

After graduating with a degree in Communications, she also signed with Italy and played professionally for 2 years. After

Andrea Constand (Source: Google Images)

her contract ended with Italy, she decided to apply for Director of Operation’s for the women’s basketball team at Temple University in Philadelphia. She later met Cosby at the University and he became a friend and mentor. The day she put in her two weeks notice was the day that Cosby took advantage of her.

Constand believes that while this case was a lot to take on, it had to be done. She knew that she was strong enough to handle the criticism and skepticism from the public.

Cosby’s sentence was important because it showed that even people with higher social, political, and economic standing, are not above the law.