Dunkin’ Donuts Officially Changes Its Name

Dunkin' Donuts Officially Changes Its Name

Nathalia Valdez, Social Media & Communications

First it was IHOP changing to IHOB. Now Dunkin’ Donuts is just Dunkin’?!?! What is going on?

Dunkin’ Donuts was originally founded in Quincy, MA in 1950 and ever since then Dunkin has had great success with more then 50 different doughnut types – keep in mind for almost 70 years its had the same name Dunkin’ Donuts.

Various rumors had recently been going around about them changing their name. Finally on September 25 2018 Dunkin’ Doughnuts made an official announcement via twitter saying “It’s official: “We’re going by Dunkin’ now.

Some people are not excited about the new name at all and have made it pretty clear…

GUYS! Too much going on in the world to add this name change news to the mix. Dunkin’ my heart cannot take it. @dunkindonuts I still love you tho, sometimes the ones we love the most are the ones who hurt us!😔 ” stated twitter  one user.  

While others simply don’t care and try to find the bright side of every situation!

Donuts aren’t going anywhere! Dunkin’ = Donuts. Always has, always will 🍩”

““I’ve always called you Dunkin anyway,”another supporter said.