Call Out for Jewish and Latino Students for Washington DC Trip

Denise Najera, Score Recorder

Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona. Sounds professional doesn’t it? Don’t click out freak out. It’s actually a really fun program that maybe, even you could use.

The Jewish Federation is a collaborative project put together by the Jewish Community Relations Council and the officers of Representative Raul M. Grijalva. Wanna learn more about your culture? You’re at the right place. This federation allows sophomore/juniors that are Jewish and/or Latinos to participate in four months of a learning process. This includes: cultural exchange, leadership training, social action, and advocacy training – great things to put on a college application or resume. The students will be able to select a public policy topic such as: the Dream Act, immigration reform, action to stop genocide in Darfur, education reform, and many more. Then, they’ll have to research it and then advocate to members with Congress or other government officials on a trip to Washington DC.

That’s right, Washington DC.  Along with the work comes the fun. If you are selected, it will be mandatory for you to attend a meeting December 9th from 2-6pm. This meeting will most likely consist of the trip to Washington DC in the spring of 2019. Exact dates are to be determined. The program culminates in a 5-day experience in Washington DC. The days consist of a unique experience that can include meetings with different organizations, advocacy groups, lobbying, visits to embassies, museums and many more meaningful opportunities that DC has to offer. The program is said to cost $225 and that scholarships are available (the Cougar Foundation has helped in the past). Have in mind this program is intended for students who are interested in learning more about each other’s culture and becoming future leaders. Ms. Shari Gootter is a leader at this program and here’s what she has to say about it: “This is truly a one of a kind program that allows students to explore shared values and concerns and work together toward mutual goals. It is a life changing experience for all who participate.”

This program is very intensive and serious issues are discussed. But don’t let that scare you, it’s a really great experience to have. The application, essay, and letter of recommendation must be emiled or post-marked by Friday, October 20, 2018.  Email: [email protected] or go to