New ‘Era Of No War’ for North and South Korea

New 'Era Of No War' for North and South Korea

Samantha Valdez, Opinion Editor

On Wednesday both North and South Korean leaders met together for their third joint press conference, with surprising results. On the second day of the three day long meeting, North Korea announced it will close its most important missile testing facility, and possibly destroy its primary used nuclear complex. However, in order for this to happen, the United States would have to follow some conditions. This meeting was made as an effort to control the high rate of destructive war on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim Jong-un stated throughout the meeting on Wednesday, “The world is going to see how this divided nation is going to bring about a new future on its own.”

Both leaders introduced the idea of a possible fourth meeting taking place in South Korea’s capital city Seoul. This is a big deal because no North Korean leader has stepped foot in South Korea since the year 2007.

The 17 page document was signed by both of the countries leaders. Inside the document, the  statement said that both countries would completely stop and discontinue all threats that could cause a war from erupting in the Korean Peninsula. This document also included other goals the countries obtained to have such as: hosting the 2023 Summer Olympics together, creating a railroad within the next year that links both South and North Korea together, discontinue any military drill practiced at the Military Demarcation Line aimed towards the other country, and by the end of the year 11 different guard posts will be removed from the Demilitarized Zone. Last but not least, it would allow tourism into both countries.

South Korea’s leader, Moon Jae-in, has constantly been addressing the desire to regularly meet, in order to successfully establish peace between the two. “Chairman Kim and I share the history of having held hands like lovers and crossed the Military Demarcation Line together twice.”

“The era of no war has started…Today the North and South decided to remove all threats that can cause war from the entire Korean peninsula.” – Moon Jae-in.