Mexican Independence Day in the Library

Marcela Marcial, Beat Investigator- Featured Athlete

Everyone always thinks that Mexico’s Independence Day is celebrated on the 5th of May.  Sorry to tell you, it’s not. September 16 is the day when Mexico celebrates their independence. Sahuaro’s new librarian, Mrs. Thames-Real, decided to celebrate cultural awareness with a fiesta in the library.

First: The Decorations: She decorated the library with banners; when you first walked into the library, colorful banner and artwork from Mexico adorned the foyer. Sometimes she will work with the art teacher with decorating and making paintings.

Second, the treats: Earlier that morning she made pan dulce and horchata. Those are Mexican treats that are sweet. Pan Dulce in sweet bread in Spanish and horchata is sweet rice water with cinnamon.

And of course…the education: She had the Spanish classes come in and see the art work and learn about the history of the work.

Before Mrs. Thames-Real came to Sahuaro, she did the same thing at her precious school. She was really excited to share the treats with students but also nervous at the same time. She was surprised on how polite the students treated the artwork and how polite the students who tried the treats were when they didn’t like it.

Mrs. Thames-Real is very excited for the next holiday so she can do this again soon.