Senior Profile: Essence Jackson…Miracle Baby

Nathalia Valdez, Reporter

Essence is a normal teenager. Like everybody else she can run, walk, jump, and speak. At first sight you would think her whole life she has been perfectly fine, but as a baby Essence had a seizure and died for 6 minutes before she was able to be revived. The doctors said there was nothing that could be done for her. She was placed on life support. They said she was suffering from water intoxication and would practically be brain dead, never be able to walk, and probably die within a month.

Now Essence is better that ever, enjoying her senior year and living her best life!

Has your experience been your biggest motivation?

Yes. Definitely. I feel like now I can just take care of my self more.

What is the craziest reaction you’ve gotten when someone learns you’re a miracle baby?

Everyone always say “No, no way you’re lying.” And my friend calls me a vegetable sometimes.

Do you consider yourself lucky?

I do because I could be dead right now, but I’m alive!

What is your favorite thing to do on weekends?

Well.. now I work soo I just spend most of my time with my family, but before I loved to hang out with friends. But I like to hang out with my mom now.

Is this a motivation for you? Does it make you try harder to achieve your goals?

This is a motivation for me because I feel like I’m here for a reason. I feel like God put me here for a reason you know?

Any advice for Freshmen?

Don’t slack! Do all your work! Get good grades!

What is your legacy? What message do you want to leave at Sahuaro?

Be kind. Live every second to the fullest because life is short sometimes… hahhaha.

Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?

No.. definitely not. Not at all haha.

Are you excited for graduation?

Yes definitely I’ve been waiting for this for 4 years…actually I take that back…I’ve waited for this my whole life!

Anything  else you want people to know about you?

Umm yes, I’m super nice, kinda smart, really lucky… and ohh I hate tomatoes.