Behind Every Good Teacher is a Great Teacher’s Aid

Jamie Beck, Fine Arts Reporter/ Slideshow Reporter

Ms. Hoyt is a teacher in training at Sahuaro High School. Ever since her junior year of high school, she’s had an interest in history, saying it’s “very exciting”. Her mother and sister are both teachers, influencing her interest in teaching. Hoyt is currently a student at the University Of Arizona and graduated with her bachelors degree in May, 2018.  She is now working on getting her masters. While attending the U of A, she’s worked with kids at camps and said, “I love working with young people.”

At first, Ms. Hoyt didn’t know if she wanted to teach at a middle school or high school, but since she’s been at Sahuaro, she decided she wants to be a high school teacher. One of the things that surprised her most about being on campus was how mature and responsible most of the students are, and how students go to work and drive now. She said, “I forgot how high school was until I came back.”


Ms. Hoyt has a dog that is a two year old Dalmatian mix and a chicken named Diana.

She loves hiking, road trips, and camping. She doesn’t like camping by herself because she is scared of being attacked by a bear.

Her biggest fears are messing up, hurting someone, or making a problem and not knowing she did it.

Her celebrity crush is Steve McQueen; she said, “He might be old and dead but he is very good looking.”

Ms. Hoyt said if she could have three houses anywhere in the world that she would have one in Northern Arizona in a cabin up in the mountains because she loves the idea of a cabin and the weather, Montana or Wyoming because of the views, and the last house would be in the middle of a city somewhere.

Ms. Hoyt is very excited about learning how to teach and has a lot of fun teaching Ms. Depugh’s world history class whenever she gets the chance. Hopefully she can start teaching at Sahuaro High School soon.