Girl Who Didn’t Wash Her Makeup Brushes Almost Died

Marcela Marcial, Reporter

Everyone knows what not to do, but we do it anyway…like always forgetting to wash your makeup brushes after you use them or picking at your skin. This story may make you start cleaning your makeup.

A girl who is 21 years old named Katie Wright who lives in Austin, Texas didn’t follow those rules.

A week before she noticed what was happening to her face – she thought it was a pimple growing under her skin next to her eyebrow that had been hurting her for a while. We all have been told not to pop a pimple but, like the most of us, it was too hard to ignore the pimple. So she decide to pop it. Within in hour her entire face started to swelled up and the area of the pimple started to hurt more.

According to LOOK, Katie wrote on Facebook, “It felt like something was going to burst out of my skin.” She later went to an emergency room to find out what was happening to her face.

Doctors told her “is was a a very serious case of Cellulitis, which is a version of a Staph infection,” she stated. It was a version of a Staph infection but, a little worse. “Instead of having a head like Staph, it affects the deep cellular tissues with no main source to attack.”

Because the infection was on her face, it could have spread to her eye, making her go blind and spreading to her brain, which can cause serious brain damage to the point where it can kill her if she didn’t get it treated soon.

Katie said, “This most likely happened from bacteria getting into my eyebrow pencil brush. I’m super strict on washing my face/beauty blender/brushes, but I never thought to disinfect my eyebrow spoolie.”

This is a great life lesson to people who wear makeup . You don’t want that happen to you.