Intermediate Drama Makes The Audience Cry With Laughter

Alyssa Urff, Reporter

On August 29 and 30,  Intermediate Drama held small improv skits in the Little Theater during first period.

The skits were performed in the style of Commedia Dell’ arte. Commedia Dell’arte is an Italian improvised theatrical form that started in 16th century Europe. It consists of various colorful characters. All of the characters are fixed into 3 categories – The Servants, The Masters, The Lovers. Each of the categories have their own characteristics.

The Drama students had to choose a character from the three groups- The Servants: Zanni, Arlecchino, Columbina, Brighella ; The Masters: Pantalone, II Dottore, II Capitano ; The Lovers: Isabella Flavio. They assembled into groups of 5 or 6.

Their group skits names were “The Betrayal”, “The Swedish Invasion”, “Ouchie”, “Speed Date Disaster”, “The Pizza”, “The Bank Robbery”, and “The Cowardly Love Story”. While the actors were performing, they delivered a spectacle of action, comedy, and liveliness.

The Sahuaro drama kids never disappoint.