Homecoming 2018 – All You Need to Know

KIanna Montano, Reporter

Homecoming is the first big event of the school year. We have a pep assembly, tailgating, a dance, and of course…our Homecoming football game. This year’s Homecoming is our 50th and the Golden Bash is one everyone will want to check out!

I interviewed this year’s Junior Class President, Hayli Kubly.

Q: How long does it take to plan the whole dance and the pep assembly?

A: The dance takes less than a week to plan because the designs and tickets are hard to get. The pep assemblies take a while because there’s the games, the theme, the songs, etc.

Q: What’s the budget for the dance and pep?

A: Well there’s the DJ that we need for both the dance and the assembly, all the decorations, and the tickets. So I’d say it’s at least $300 to $400 for the dance and the pep assembly.

Q: Where do the funds come from?

A: Well at the beginning of the year, the Student Council gets $2000 and each class gets $500.

Q: Is it stressful to plan the dance?

A: It can be stressful at times, but it’s actually really fun…like it’s really fun. Being a part of the Student Council isn’t like a club, it’s more like a class.

Q: What do you think is the best part about Homecoming?

A: Honestly it’s picking the songs; cause like you know how you have headphones in and you’re listening to “that” particular song you always listen to. And then you play it out loud and you just  get really hyped, you know. And it’s also thinking about the outcome.

Q: How are the designs made? voting?

A: We have committees and we all choose as a whole. So when we choose something we want, we have to put our heads down, and once we exactly know what we want, we put our heads down and raise our hands.

Q: Who approves of your ideas?

A: Mr. Shingler and Mr. Cephers are the ones we have to talk to and are the ones that either approve or don’t approve.

Q: Do you enjoy planning the dances, peps, and all the school activities?

A: Yeah, it’s fun! Like really fun. Like when you do everything, you don’t want people to think that the pep is wack or any of the dances are wack. You want to see them have fun.

Q: Is there like a guest policy?

A: Yeah there is. You have to go to the office to get a guest form. So  let’s say if someone from another school gets hurt, it’s not gonna be on us, or if you bring like drugs or alcohol and you get caught, we inform the school the kid goes to.

Q: How much are the Homecoming tickets going be this year?

A: So it will be $5 pre-sale, so we sell them a week earlier, $3 for freshmen because this will be like their first dance and we want more people, and then $7 at the door.

Homecoming will be on September 21, 2018…check out the slideshow on The Paper Cut of the entire week when the time comes and follow us on Twitter!