Meet Our New New Librarian – Mrs. Thames-Real


Samantha Valdez, Reporter

Sahuaro High School has a brand new librarian.  If you didn’t know, Mrs. Dillon retired last year, leaving behind stacks of books and big shoes to fill. Our new librarian is Mrs.Thames-real, and like Mrs. Dillon, both her daughter and son graduated from Sahuaro and she’s very excited to be part of our school.

Where are you from?

“I’ve lived in Tucson my whole life, I’ve visited other places but just for vacation, and I don’t plan on leaving.”

What do you like about Sahuaro?

“Well both my kids graduated from Sahuaro, one in 2013 and the other in 2015, and this wasn’t their district school but I was the one who ended up choosing Sahuaro for them because it’s very diverse – you meet all kinds of people.”

What is your favorite book and what books do you recommend to Sahuaro students?

“Any book I’m currently reading is my favorite, to be honest. I feel like everyone should stick with the classics definitely, you know, like Homer. I can give you authors, which I think is better than just naming individual books.  First its Jane Austin, and anything Alexie Sherman.”

What do you miss most about your old school(s)?

“The truth about what I miss the most from Pima is the money. I was very well paid, but unfortunately, it was extremely dull.  It was always cataloging data and it wasn’t enough. And from Desert View I miss all the students I had contact with, I miss them.”

At the beginning of our freshmen year Mr. Estrella always asks us, “What is your legacy?” so what legacy do you hope to bring to Sahuaro?

“I’m still trying to figure that out myself to be honest, but I hope to bring a safe haven for students, appreciation towards literature, as well as modern day technology and its uses.”

Is there anything you want Sahuaro students to know about the library?

“About the library I want them to know it’s always open, it’s all for them, and I’m always willing to serve them in all of their scholastic needs.”

What do you want students to know about you?

“I’m a Mountain Bike State Champion, and a Professional Dive Master. Everyone’s always really surprised to know that about me mostly because they see me in my little dress and heels, but I definitely have a strong sense of adventure.”

Have you added any new decorations to the Library?

“Not yet besides my stuffed hedgehog. I want to get used to the place first, and especially with another person being here for so long it’s hard for people to see change.”

Have you met any of the English teachers yet and have you planned out any dates for classes to come to the library?

“They have all been very warm and welcoming and told me I have very big shoes to fill, and yes we have planned dates for classes to come in and work in the library.”

What did you think of the fire drill? 

“I thought it was very well thought out.  It cut down on chaos, and I’ve been in many fire drills and that’s the best one I’ve seen.”

What did you think about the freshmen class?

“I think they’re great I helped with Freshmen Orientation and I thought they were wonderful.”

What advice do you have to the freshmen?

“Come to the library, but other than that, take it seriously.  It starts now and if you don’t start now, it’ll follow you until senior year and it’s going to be hard to make up.”

What advice do you have for seniors?

“Definitely stay focused, enjoy the time, and try to hold on to all the memories, also look towards the future because life is going to be good.”

This is just a small look at this amazing woman who is now part of our Cougar family.  She is excited to work with every single student. Mrs. Thames-Real always has happy days no matter what, and she will always greet you with a smile on her face. She is an adventurous woman with lots of happiness to share.