Don’t Just Sit in the Stands – Join a Sport

Marcela Marcial, Reporter

Going to away games. A great way to make life-long friendships that turn into family.  And those tough workouts that get your body tone. These are just a few of the reasons to join a team sport.  If you are thinking or interested in joining a sport, it’s too late for the Fall season, but you can still think ahead to Winter and Spring seasons.

First thing you need to do is go to the activities office and talk to Ms. Genung and see what paper work you’ll have to do. Before you tryout, have an updated physical ready and ask Ms. Genung for a physical packet that your doctor would fill out and the ATS registration online. This is a 13-14 page form that must be read and filled out from both the athlete and a parent.

For people who tried out last year and are trying-out again this year, there is a separate form for the ATS registration that you will need to fill out and have your parent sign. If this is your first time trying-out for a sport, or if your a junior that already been on a sport, you will need to take an online test called the Concussion test for the first time or a second time. Also try contacting the coach to whatever sport you want to try-out for, for more information on that sport.

Winter sports are: Girls/Boys Soccer and Girls/Boys Basketball, and Wrestling.  Tryouts start October 29, 2018.

For Spring there is Girls/Boys Tennis, Track, Softball, Boys Volleyball, and Baseball.  Spring tryouts  start February 4, 2019.