Cougar Football Team’s Strong Bond Hopefully Leads to Playoffs

Emma Walrath, Reporter

The last time Sahuaro’s varsity football team won State was 1994.  “I had two uncles on that team,” linebacker, Jakob Goerke proudly shared. In recent years, the Cougars haven’t come out as victorious as the school previously hoped, but this year they say they intend to take it all the way to Playoffs.

The team hasn’t won the State Champion title in 24 years. When asked, only 25% of players knew the last time we won State. The team since then has had lows and highs, but this year is anticipated to be one of the high points. The team was previously in the 5A division, but this year they have moved to 4A, changing the teams who they will compete against, hopefully positively impacting their record.

According to a few members of the team, this year is different because of the family bond they share. “We have about twenty seniors and we all play together as a unit now,” says Chris Lockhead, Center.  They all are looking out for each other and many have been working together since freshman year.  Linebacker and tight end, Max Lockwood said, “It’s like a second family; we all go through the hardest part of our day together and we all have a strong bond.” Left guard, Ben Jackson said similarly, “We play for each other, not ourselves.”

The amount of team camaraderie should have a positive impact change on the way that the team plays. “We aren’t injured and we have a better work ethic,” Kinglsey Ugwu, Offensive Tackle states.

When asked about their predictions for the first game Justin Scott, Right Guard said simply, “Victory.” And he was correct, Sahuaro beat Vista Grande 55-13. The highlight of the game was the first touchdown, which was scored very quickly.  It showed the Cougars how the rest of the game was going to go, and that their hard work was paying off. “I predict we will go to the playoffs,” strong end, Richard Campbell, proclaimed. 

The fans had positive energy and the freshly painted field looked amazing with the beautiful sunset. There was definitely that feeling of harmony on the field.

The next home game is Friday, August 24th. Hopefully, the season will continue the way that the team predicts now. Tobias Barger, defensive end, stated,”I think that the road will be difficult, but the team has set a bar for the rest of the season.”