Keep on Strummin’ Mr. Greene!

Azalia Munoz, Reporter

Although we have sadly said goodbye to teachers last year, new teachers have filled those spaces and are ready for the new year. Starting a new job can be scary – especially if you’re surrounded by unpredictable teenagers 24/7. It is known that teachers choose this profession because they genuinely love their job (we know it’s not for the money!). So welcome Ed Sheeran, I mean Mr. Greene!

Here’s a Q&A with Mr. Greene, guitar teacher:

How many years have you been teaching?

I started teaching private lessons when I was in high school, so total would be over 15 years. I’ve also worked as an interim teacher at Cross Middle School, Amphi High School and Nash Elementary teaching various levels and types of music. However, this year is my first class of my own and my first year at Sahuaro!

What inspired you to play guitar?

I grew up around musicians, so it was a pretty natural step for me to pick up a guitar. Going to shows in town when I was in high school was definitely inspiring and I highly encourage Sahuaro students to check out what music is happening around Tucson.

Favorite song to play?

 Just search on Youtube for the song “Nice Ocean Waves.”

Do you play any other instruments?

Tons! Banjo, bass, drums, ukulele, and lots more.

Hardest part about learning to play guitar?

It never gets easier (but it gets a lot more fun). Even though I get better at guitar, I still want to get better than that so I’m always challenging myself to try new things! That means it never gets easy!

Any food for thought for those trying to learn to play the guitar?

It’s all about practice! Any skill or talent you want to learn is measured by the time you put into it!

One word to describe yourself?


How many years have you been playing the guitar?

At least 18 years now! But technically I started on bass.


Now that you know a little bit about him, start up some conversation or maybe take the beginning guitar class and learn something new! Thank you again, Mr. Greene.