Hollywood Wanting to Say Bye to Trump’s Star

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Marcela Marcial, Reporter

President Donald Trump’s star has been vandalized by spray paint, stickers and destroyed many times ever since the 2016 election.

In July of 2016 a street artist built a small wall around Trump’s star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, but that didn’t stop anyone from destroying it later on. According to Vice, Austin Clay, 24, “pulled a pickax out of a guitar case” and destroyed Trump’s star into little pieces until you couldn’t see Trump’s name.

Right after Clay destroyed the star, he turned himself into police. Clay was arrested for suspicion of felony vandalism and held on $20,000 bail.

James Otis, a man who committed the same act but with a pickax and a sledgehammer about two years ago, bailed Clay out of jail. Once James bailed Clay out of jail they both “shared hatred of Trump, pickax preference, and perhaps started plotting for whenever the star gets rebuilt.”

Now on August 6, 2018, “The West Hollywood City Council unanimously approved a resolution” to remove Trump’s star from Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. The reason they gave for removing Trump’s star was the following: “due to [Trump’s] disturbing treatment of women and other actions,” says Los Angeles Times.

Trump’s supporters are not happy at all. A group of people made copies of Trump’s star, turned them into stickers and placed them on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame on August 9, 2018. According to Snopes, a group of  Trump’s supporters called “The Faction” posted a video on Instagram and Twitter of them, sticking Trumps’s star on the empty square tiles and captioned the post with “Destroy Trump’s Star, and we will install 30 more.”