Sahuaro’s Bowling Champion Strikes Again

Bethany Seal, Sports Editor

Katelyn Wincek is a sophomore who has been bowling for 11 years. She started out at her after-school bowling program to have something to do, but she quickly discovered her passion for the sport. Now, she bowls on two different leagues and has won multiple state-wide tournaments.

Her coach, who is a semi-pro bowler, taught her the techniques she uses today, and gave her the advice she always relies on. He taught her the importance of staying focused and putting trust in the ball. “It’s all in your head,” said Katelyn, who believes bowling is as equally mentally challenging as it is physically. She uses her knowledge gained from her coach to help her compete in the Morning Juniors league on Saturdays and the Classics league on Sundays.

Katelyn’s passion for the sport became a very important and opportunistic part of her life. With her impressive skills, she was able to go to nationals in Indianapolis and meet professional bowlers from around the world. She has also received trophies in state tournaments and recently won 3rd in the state of Arizona. Using her technique of throwing a hook to improve her accuracy, her highest score she’s bowled is a 263!

Katelyn has had many opportunities through bowling, and she believes strongly in doing what you are passionate about. She encourages athletes to “just have fun”. We are excited to see what she does next and where bowling takes her in the future!