New Student Body Elections

Dorian Chase, News Co-Editor and Production

Student Body elections have wrapped up, and the new officers have been announced; this is always an exciting time for students of Sahuaro. We get to send off the current senior class, and use their wisdom for the future. Katelyn Kubly, the current Student Body President, had this advice to impart on the new Student Body President: “Even though you aren’t necessarily in charge of prom and graduation like the Senior Class President, you can still be helpful. Keep the peace, and try to make the whole class unified.”

The new Sophomore Class President, Alyssa Brown, said that she is excited to be “getting more involved with my school and community, and seeing the behind the scenes part of it,” and future Junior Class Treasurer is ready for “new people to meet and a new teacher, which is exciting!”

Without further ado, the winners of the elections are listed below (Special thanks to Mrs. Depugh for compiling this list for us!)

Executive (Student Body)

President: Caitlin Manjarre

Vice President: Serenity Guerrero

Recording Secretary: Keila Salazar

Corresponding Secretary: Kemuel Redlin

Treasurer: Alan Rodriguez

Senior Class

President: Briana Pomales

Vice President: Karissa Anderson

Secretary: Chloe Petri

Treasurer: Hayden Estrella

Senator: Lyneah Rivera

Junior Class

President: Hayli Kubly

Vice President: Lailaa McClendon

Secretary: Chloe Chavez

Treasurer: Courtney Walker

Senator: Lucy Rojo

Sophomore Class

President: Alyssa Brown

Vice President: Megan Rasey

Secretary: Arianna Munoz

Treasurer: Sydeny Swanson

Senator: Maryah Brookins108