New Class Offering: Computer Science

Jasmine Varelas, Co Editor of A&E and Opinion

Next year Sahuaro will be offering a brand new class, and many are wondering just what a Computer Science class is all about.  First off, the class is an elective and an intro to computer science.  It will mainly be targeting sophomores and juniors- freshman are not allowed to take this class but are encouraged to take it their sophomore year.

This class can benefit you in the future. Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems. Mr. Christian, math teacher states, ” The Intro to Computer Science class is going to be using Snap! to introduce kids to computer science. We will be working with volunteers from industry who work with these concepts, showing us how they use them in the real world. After the intro class, we will hopefully be able to offer a computer science principles class at the AP level for second year students.”

Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing.

Technology is advancing every year and this in thanks to computer science. Mr.Christian states the most exciting part of the new offering is “working with the students and learning how we can use computer science in real life.” Not only is this class going to teach you how to code, which is what you use to create apps, etc – but you could also become certified and the 2nd year computer science could possibly be an A.P. class – it’s still in the works. This class will also look amazing on resumes. So, future sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are planning on becoming the next Steve Jobs or if you just want to broaden your knowledge, this class is for you.