Why You Should Join The Paper Cut

Jasmine Varelas, Co Editor of A&E and Opinion

As the year is coming to an end, and students have already chosen their classes for next year, I’m here to try and convince you to change your schedule and switch into journalism. Allow me to tell you why.  While in this class, I have felt a sense of personal freedom and have been given a creative outlet to write using my own voice. After 12 years of schooling, I finally found a place where I can write how I want, and what I want.

Not only do you have one of the best teachers at Sahuaro showing you the ropes of journalism, there is an amazing atmosphere in the class everyday. I love being able to walk into class after 5th period knowing that I’ll be spending the next hour in a laid back, stress free, and accepting class. I love knowing that my class mates and teacher will be there for me.

Jocelyn Reeder has been part of this class for 2 years going on 3. When I asked why people should take this class she replied with, “This class is a great way to interact with people and make friends.” She also said if you “enjoy writing, this class will improve your writing skills.” Our associate editor-in-chief, Sidney Moyers, who has also been a part of The Paper Cut for 2 years, said “This class is lots of fun.”

Unlike other classes, the amazing person who teaches this class isn’t constantly breathing down your neck. Ms. Lange gives you space to finish your assignments, and treats you like an adult. She also expects great material in return, however. This class is laid back but that doesn’t mean that you can sit around all period and do nothing.  If you do, you are going to have to finish your articles from home, which can be easily done with the easy-to-use software the newspaper uses.

The Paper Cut isn’t just a class, it’s our own little community. It connected all different types of people and if you want this for yourself in next year’s schedule, make an appointment with your counselor as soon as possible. High school is full of regrets but this decision will not be one of those regrets.