Austin Bomber Blows Himself Up When Cornered

Avery Miller, Cougart Co- Editor, Community Builder

It all started March 2nd, when a package bomb detonated outside a resident’s house. The bombs disguised as packages started exploding all over in Austin, Texas. In a matter of a few more weeks 6 more package bombs detonated across the city, leaving residents worrying when the next bomb would go off and where.

March 2, 2018 – Package bomb exploded – one fatality

March 12, 2018 – 2 package bombs detonated in different locations, with 1 fatality and 2 injuries.

March 18, 2018 – Tripwire activated bomb injure injures 2.

March 20, 2018 – Package bomb detonates on FedEx grounds, 1 injured.

March 20, 2018 – Package bomb found and detonated, no one injured.

March 21, 2018 – Package bomb detonates killing the perpetrator in his car.

Initially investigators believed the bombs were linked with a terrorist group, zeroing in on minority victims. Mark Anthony Conditt (23), the bomber, was successful at stumping police forces and leaving them with no information to stop the attacks from happening. That is, until the suspect got caught on surveillance cameras dropping off one of the package bombs. When the police finally cornered the suspect after 19 days, he detonated one last bomb killing himself.

The bomber left behind a phone with a 25 minute confession video telling his life story and struggle. After seeing what the bomber had to say, they classified him as a domestic terrorist.

The bomber killed 2 African Americans, and an elderly Hispanic women. The blasts injured numerous white people.

“I’ve now had the opportunity to sit back and understand and absorb all of the impacts that it had on a personal level and … I’m very comfortable saying that to our community and what he did to us, he was a domestic terrorist,” Chief or Texas Police, Brian Manley.