Get Ready for Sahuaro’s 50th Prom – Golden Gala

Get Ready for Sahuaro's 50th Prom - Golden Gala

Avery Miller, Cougart Editor, Community builder

As we start the 4th quarter, seniors start to plan for the dance to remember – PROM! Student Council has been preparing for one of the most notable proms in the history of Sahuaro.

If you are planning to go to prom, look forward to extravagant, golden decorations covering the ballroom from head to toe. This year’s prom theme is Golden Gala, in honor of Sahuaro’s golden class. Sahuaro first opened it’s doors in the summer of 1968.  Since this prom is going to be one of a kind, I know the seniors aren’t going to want to miss such a magical night. Katelyn Kubly, President of Student Council says, “This year, the decorations are different and extra sparkly.”

The dance will take place at Skyline Country Club on April 27th. Pre-sale tickets will be sold in the Finance Office and single tickets are $55 and couples are $100. Normal ticket prices are $65 for a single and $110 for a couple. The pre-sale is going on until April 13th, then the tickets go to full price. You can also purchase them at the door for the raised price. But because the prom is exclusively for seniors, juniors are only able to go if they’re invited by a senior.

As for the music and the DJ, that will be announced soon.

You can also vote for prom king and queen on April 9th and 11th during both lunches.

But most importantly, don’t forget that prom is what you make of it, so whether you are going with a group of friends or with a long time significant other, it will be a blast. “Go to prom to make your senior year memorable and have once last dance with your classmates,” states Jody Askren, head of  the prom committee.

Besides, who wants to miss out on the dessert bar?