Sahuaro Thespians to Direct One-Act Plays

Bethany Seal, Sports Editor

Are you looking to see some amazing theater performances? Sahuaro thespians have been preparing one-act plays to be performed and directed by students themselves.

On April 5th, the featured shows are Alice in Wonderland by Jason Pizzarello, Nobody Heard Me Cry by John Devane, and Crushed by Don Zolidis. April 6th, students will perform The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World by Jonathan Rand, Candid by Michael Scanlan, and Check Please by Jonathan RandDoors open at 6:00 pm and the show starts at 6:30 pm for both nights. Admission is $5 for students and $7 for adults.

Junior Kamille Rodriguez directing “Alice in Wonderland”

These student directors, mainly seniors, have been working hard to prepare the younger actors and crew involved, as they are learning how to be real play directors. They face difficulties such as the short amount of time they have to put their plays together, and working together using the resources they have.

I was able to talk to Abby Woods, senior and student director of the play Check Please. She was really glad to be able to be a student director this year, and learned a lot in the process. “I’ve learned how to be patient with the people I’m directing. The hardest part is getting together in time to polish and make sure the play is ready to be put on stage.” Even through the challenges, she is still thankful for the experience. “Knowing that I’ve inspired a couple of people to move into drama in the future (while putting a really good play on stage) is the most rewarding part.” In the end, it is a very fun and eye-opening experience that these students will remember long after high school.