One Month Later – Students Plan National Walkout

Dorian Chase, News Co-Editor and Production

On March 14th, at 10 AM, one month after the Parkland, Florida school shooting that left 17 dead, a school walkout is being planned by students around the nation. This walkout is being planned to “protest Congress’ inaction” in response to the gun violence plaguing our country. This is part of a larger movement, hosted by the Women’s March, to show Congress that this generation will be voting in the next election, and they will not be ignored. It seems to be working as well, as over 150,000 people have marked themselves as interested or participating on the Facebook page.

What is the National School Walkout?

For 17 minutes at 10 a.m. across each time zone on March 14, students, school faculty and supporters around the nation will walk out of their schools to commemorate lives lost and to protest gun violence. Those participating are encouraged to wear orange – the color used by many who support gun control. According to Ms. De Pugh, Student Council adviser, “At this point StuCo is not involved with the March 14th events.  If admin would like StuCo to organize something we can, but we did not initiate the fliers that have been seen around school.”

As of this moment, this event is not being planned or supported by Administration or Student Council, so any student who participates may be subject to, at the very least, being marked absent or tardy to their third period class.

A flier found in the upper 300 building