Pedestrian Killed at Dinosaur McDonald’s

Deartis Mason, Sports Recorder

Everybody knows the McDonald’s on the corner of Kolb and Tanque Verde – it’s the one with the giant T-Rex McDonald sitting in front of it.  But this past week, it became the site of yet another pedestrian death – something that AZ leads the nation in.  54-year-old Barbara Angiolini died in an accident when a car crashed into the gate where the T-Rex stands. The SUV that hit the pedestrian lost control and went over the curb, instantly killing Angiolini.

The driver and the passenger of the SUV were treated for major injuries, while three of the customers inside were treated for minor injuries. Tucson Police say that the vehicle was northbound on Kolb and lost control, running into the pedestrian and dragging her through the gate. The SUV then hit another car and crashed into the McDonald’s.

One of the first-responders said that a young boy was in the second car and saw the woman get hit and then land onto his car. It has been determined that the driver was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but his speed could have been the cause of the accident.  “If you knew Barbara you loved Barbara and she loved you back,” said Karen Stuhldreher, her sister. “She never ended a phone conversation or a visit without telling you that she loved you.”

The family is now urging for something to be done to make Tucson roads and intersections safer.  So far in 2018, there have already been seven pedestrians killed on Tucson roads, which is more than last year at this time.