Sahuaro Drama Department Featured on Morning News Show

Jasmine Varelas, Co Editor of A&E and Opinion

Friday March 2nd, two Sahuaro students were on the morning news. Ayissa Vizuet and Barbra Crate were spotted on The Morning Blend dressed as werewolves, but why you must ask? Well on March 6th and 8th, the intermediate drama students will be putting on a children’s show for local elementary students. For years, second- year drama students have put their blood, sweat, and tears into a show that is all theirs, by this I mean that the students build the sets themselves, they make the costumes, apply the makeup, and publicize the show with very little help from Ms. Rossmeissl. “I’m excited that Sahuaro is getting some good rep after everything that has been happening for the past week,” said sophomore fellow Cougar Ayissa Vizuet.

Drama teacher , Bridget Rossmeissl co-wrote “The Tenth Annual Fairytale Games” with her mother, Susan.  She stated, “”The 10th Annual Fairytale Games contains many different fairytale characters that combine to make this hysterical, wacky, and entertaining one-act! You’ll see all kinds of fairytale characters like the Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Sneezy the Dwarf, the 3 Little Pigs, and who could forget about the evil witches Maleficent, Ursula and Elphaba. Characters will compete against each other to win the 10th Annual Fairytale Games which is a battle of wits and skills. The actors interact with the children all night long to make this a show that they will truly not forget! All of the characters in this show will also perform surprising live entertainment.” Ms. Rossmeissl also says that she is very proud of her students and what they have done with he play. She loves how the students portrayed the characters.


While interviewing senior Barbara Crate she confessed, “It would be awesome if people actually show up that aren’t our parents.” Besides performing for local elementary students, drama will perform at 7:00pm Thursday and Friday (March 8 and 9) nights.  It would be amazing if you can come out, bring your younger siblings, kids, and have an amazing night watching fairy tale characters compete against each other.  Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults.

Here is a picture of the excited elementary school students rushing to get the autographs of these amazing actors and actresses.

To watch the video click here