California Worst Quality of Life

March 8, 2018
Maybe the Golden State isn’t so golden after all. According to U.S. News and World Report’s Best State rankings, California is placed all the way at the bottom for quality of life, with North Dakota at the top.
Now, you may be thinking “This isn’t right at all. Californians are supposed to live a glamorous lifestyle.” However, the placement was determined on natural and social environment. Natural environment is based on drinking water, industrial toxins, pollution, and air quality. California is ranked 44 in natural environment. Social environment is based on community engagement, social support, and voter participation, and California is placed all the way down at 47. An average of the two scores was taken, and California ended up at the bottom. Many conservative news sites, such as Fox News, used this as ammunition against the liberal state.
While California ranked #1 in business and #4 for the economy, they should probably begin to take measures to improve their ranking in future years.