Saudi Arabia Taking Steps Towards Change

Bethany Seal, Sports Editor

2018 really is the Year of the Woman across the world. Every step towards equality, big or small, is important to changing the view of society. Saudi Arabia is taking those steps towards creating more rights for women. Recently, they have made a big change and opened applications for women to join their military in provinces of Riyadh, Mecca, al-Qassim and Medina. This will give women between ages 25 and 35 the chance to work in security. This is very important because women have never been considered for the military forces of Saudi, and they are finally being given the chance to represent their country.

In the past few months, several changes are happening in Saudi Arabia that could be steps toward a better future for many women of the country. Last month in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabian women were allowed to attend a football match in a stadium for the first time. Smiles covered their faces as they watched from the stands for the first time to cheer on their team.

In June, a ban will be lifted that prohibits Saudi Arabian women from driving. A car showroom for women only has been opened, and they are very excited to finally be able to learn to drive and have their own cars. One woman in the showroom said, “We can do anything. We really can do anything. And, God-willing, we’ll drive better than men.”

People wonder why the restrictions on Saudi women continue to change, and yet seem like they are getting nowhere. Even when bans are lifted and women get to have freedoms that they have never experienced before, their male guardians still make key decisions for them. This is the way they live and practice their religion, though it is hard for people who live in a society that favors equal rights to understand why women would have to cover their entire bodies to go in public.

Many steps still need to be taken for the country. They still need permission from their male guardians to open bank accounts, travel and apply for passports, get married, receive elective surgery, and much more. The Islamic Law still remains, allowing women to be looked down upon and discriminated. Fortunately, these small but significant steps being taken in Saudi Arabia are very important and encouraging to Muslim women. They feel that these small changes show progression in their country, and demonstrate a more positive future for not only them, but all countries under Sharia Law.