Update: Where Are The Solar Panels?

Connor Fries, News Editor

In late August, I wrote an article about Sahuaro receiving solar panels in the Vicksburg and main parking lot that would also function as covered parking. Myself included, many are wondering, where exactly are the solar panels? Well to much dismay, they won’t be installed until May 28, three days after the last day of school.  The reason this delay has taken place is mainly due to the amount of cars in the parking lot. Constructing solar panels that take up a majority of both parking lots would force many students to fight for a decent parking spot that’s hopefully close to campus. The company that is pioneering the installation of these new solar panels is Natural Power and Energy, and they are currently in the process of working with other schools throughout the district to install solar panels. Currently Dunham Elementary and Magee Middle School are having them put in, and over the course of four weeks, construction will begin at other schools throughout the district.

The process to install the solar panels on schools’ campuses is quite a lengthy one. The company had to go through multiple steps to be approved by TUSD, the schools, and receive a building permit from the city of Tucson. So yes, the solar panels are still coming, but just not this school year. All the incoming juniors and seniors can rejoice however, because by next year they can finally park their car in the Tucson heat without having to get into a movable oven everyday after school.