Site Council Minutes 2/13/2018
February 19, 2018
Date: February 13, 2018 Location: Room 207 Time: 4:05 – 4:55 pm
Certified Representatives:
Eva Lange
Matthew Barany
Ashley Depugh
Michael Halfmann
Student Representatives:
Austin Molina
Katelyn Kubly
Parent Representatives:
Maria Saavedra
Sunshine Turner
Craig Courville (absent)
Nelson Brown (absent)
Classified Representatives:
Lori Emrich
Community Representative:
Darryl Day
Administration Representatives:
Bobby Estrella
Patricia Hurley
Call to the Audience: No speakers (however one arrived later – see below).
Action Items:
1. Approve minutes from December 12, 2017 meeting
Mr. Estrella approved/Austin seconded. Unanimous approval
2. Vote for undesignated tax credit funds to be used for Social Studies Field Trip to Phoenix for “Hamilton” production
a. Unanimous approval to use undesignated tax credit money for culturally enriching field trip. Ms. Stevenson and Ms. Martinez requested $1060.00 to reserve a bus to Phoenix. Motion to support trip by allowing undesignated tax credit to secure requisition with any money raised put back into undesignated fund. Eleven members present – all in favor.
Discussion Items:
3. Clarification on who can be a chartered club and fundraising protocol to be within audit compliance pertaining to club accounts and following cash handling procedures as outlined by the USFR.
a. Finance Manager, Lori Emrich, clarified that all sponsors and coaches must attend a beginning-of-the-year training and she can provide a manual with all criteria. Prior to fundraising, all clubs must be chartered through Student Council. All club fundraising must be student-driven. All fundraisers (see Robin Depugh for exceptions) must fill out fundraising request forms and can fundraise for 2 weeks only. Every two weeks, a request can be made. Items purchased through fundraising may not be used for classroom supplies, (see manual for donations after use). Items with nuts cannot be sold due to allergic reactions. Items cannot be sold during class time. Money can be raised to give to the needy (see Ms. Emrich for more details). For further questions see Mr. Cephers.
b. The Paper Cut is holding an all-day fundraiser at Barnes and Noble on March 3. Their goal is raise points at Barnes and Noble, who will then donate much-needed books to the English department. Many books have been thrown away as they fall apart or have mold in them. Titles needed: Their Eyes Were Watching God; Frankenstein; Night; Romeo & Juliet; 1984
Jenny Casebolt from Transportation came in to speak. She is requesting that anyone who reads these minute let people you know (neighbors, community members, friends, etc.) that TUSD is actively recruiting for bus drivers. She states that drivers love their jobs, it is a professional job – must fulfill requirements such as CDL, federal requirements, etc. There are 3 locations across town. It pays $12.03/hr, full benefits, 20 paid holidays, guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours, capped at 60. On Grading Day, Sahuaro will be hosting a Transportation Training Day for new-hires.
Principal report
Special thank you to the family of Randy (who retired in September and passed away this past December) for their $200 contribution to Gifts and Donations for a scholarship.
Mrs. Dillon once again did an amazing job promoting Love of Reading Week
Choir had 7 students qualify for Regionals (the highest number in all of Southern Arizona)
Many kudos to all of our sports programs as well as scholarship recipients.
74 students expressed interest in new class offering – Computer Science. Parents will have opportunity for review.
51 Students attended the African American Heritage festival
Sahuaro is a finalist for the Tony Kamadina (sp?) award which is for excellence in women’s sports. On March 1st, they will be at Sahuaro to interview coaches, principal, etc.
SHS and Ironwood Ridge praised for Zona Week, showcasing students with early acceptance to UofA
Lindsay Smith, College and Career Counselor, was acknowledged by UofA for being highly “Impactful” for students.
Parent report – heard excellent things about Awareness Week.
Student Council report – Valentine’s Day and Awareness Week kept them busy. Now working on Teacher Appreciation.
Community report – Reminder to students applying for scholarships: be aware of how you represent the organization allotting money, self, family, and SHS
Announcements: The next meeting of the Sahuaro Site Council will be March 13, 2018.