Olympic Highlights – So Far

Jasmine Varelas, Co Editor of A&E and Opinion

February 9, 2018 the Winter Olympics commenced with a couple of bangs. Here are some of the highlights for the most controversial Olympics since the one in Berlin during WWII.

1.) Tongan Flag- Bearer Pita Taufatofua- In sub degree weather this Olympian proudly waved his flag in nothing but a ta’ovala (a traditional mat worn by men and women for formal occasions. Taufatofua qualified for cross country skiing after failing for the 5th time, only a week or so before the start of the Olympics. The Tongan native has only been practicing this sport for over a year and a half, while others have been training all their lives. He competed briefly in the 2016 Rio Olympics for Taekwando and decided to try for another shot at an Olympic medal.  He had to practice skiing on dirt before he could make it to somewhere with snow.  This man can run around in sub degree weather without a shirt, qualify for the Olympics with just under 2 years of practicing the sport, and be the first Tongan to enter the winter Olympics. What can’t Pita Taufatofua do?

2.) 17 year old American Wins Gold-  17 year old snowboarder from Colorado, Red Gerard, wins the first gold for the U.S.

3.) Mirai Nagasu- 24-year-old Californian native figure skater lands a triple axil, making her the third woman to ever land a triple axil in competition.

4.) The Korean Unification Flag– North and South Korea came together under one flag for this world sporting event. If you want to read more about this extraordinary stride toward peace, click here.

We still have weeks to come of great achievements of these amazing athletes.

Sources: Vanity Fair