FBI Deputy Director McCabe Steps Down

Deartis Mason, Sports Recorder

Andrew McCabe, FBI deputy director, abruptly stepped down on Monday, January 29th. President Trump has been openly criticizing him for months.  Trump tweeted in December, “How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leaking James Comey of the phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails)  given $700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?”  The Washington Post reported in late December that Andrew had been planning on retiring, but not until March.  Now he will be using his sick leave until he is eligible for full pension benefits. On Monday people close to him confirmed that McCabe’s plan has not changed at all. Technically, he will remain an FBI employee for the next couple of weeks, but he has left the deputy director position and is not expected to return to work. He said the reason for all of this happening was because  Trump felt like McCabe was against him and that he was siding with Hillary. The reason for this was because Hillary gave his wife a big donation for her campaign. She is currently running for Virginia State Senate.

An FBI agent spokes person reported that the bureau had no comment on the reports about McCabe. Sarah Huckabee Sanders spoke to reporters Monday afternoon and said “Trump was not involved in McCabe’s leaving and that she expected the FBI to release a statement later in the day.”

Mr. Trump and his allies have sought to use Mrs. McCabe’s run for office as evidence that the Russia investigation was part of a Democratic-led effort to protect Mrs. Clinton and undermine Mr. Trump’s presidency. Republicans cheered Mr. McCabe’s departure and signaled that more change should be made.