Twelve Funny History Facts That You’ll Never Need to Know
February 1, 2018
There are so many events and facts that history teachers just never have the chance to cover – including the weird stuff. Here are twelve random historical facts that you probably never learned and will probably never need to know.
1.) The longest official war was the Dutch-Scilly War between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly and lasted 335 years without any casualties. One must wonder if they simply forgot they were at war. In contrast, the shortest war was the Anglo-Zanzibar war of 1896 and lasted 38 minutes.
2.) Napoleon was once attacked by rabbits. Yes, I fact-checked this. Rabbits.
3.) Lord Byron, an English nobleman, kept a pet bear in his dorm room. Apparently dogs were banned at Trinity College, and Byron was so annoyed that he brought in a tame bear, claiming there was nothing against them in the rules.
4.) Warner Bros Entertainment Inc. (1923) was founded months after the fall of the Ottoman Empire (1922).
5.) If you’re ever looking for an opera written by a North Korean dictator, look no further: Kim Jong Il wrote six.
6.) Heroin was once used in place of morphine, and was given to children with coughs.
7.) In 1948, the SS Ourang Medan sent distress calls out to other ships in morse code, saying, “All officers, including captain, are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.” The next message just said, “I die.” When discovered, every passenger was dead, frozen with mouths open and looking at the sky, with pained looks on their faces. There were no signs of injury. I don’t know about you, but I’d watch this movie.
8.) Before alarm clocks were invented, people were hired to shoot peas at workers’ windows to wake them up for their shifts.
9.) American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class. I always knew olives were expensive, but this is just plain ridiculous.
10.) Talk about clickbait: the 100 years war lasted 116 years.
11.) In ancient times, strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed.
12.) During the 1800’s in England, suicide attempts were punishable by death. Anyone else see the irony here?
Sources: List25, ViralNova, dumbfacts