Sahuaro’s Annual Car Bash

Connor Fries, News Editor

The Sahuaro annual car bash was a smashing success. During both lunches students flocked around the car to watch  fellow students take turns hitting the car with a sledge hammer.

I talked to Mr. Ramsey, the automotive tech teacher who has been running the car bash for over ten years now, about how the Auto Club manages to set up the car bash each year. Mr. Ramsey said that the car this year was donated by a local auto shop called Albert’s Automotive for the Auto Club. The Auto Club then has to deconstruct the car for the car bash (basically taking out all the dangerous parts, like the windows and the gas tank). Mr. Ramsey said that deconstructing the car is a unique learning experience for the club. Once the car is ready for the car bash, third period Auto rolls out the car and sets up for lunch. Once the car bash is over, the fifth period students have to clean up and roll what’s left of the car into the shop.

This year’s car bash was a little different than normal. This year instead of raising money for Auto Club, they decided to donate half of all their proceeds to cancer research in support of the Coaches Vs. Cancer game.

Many students were in favor of the car bash, saying it was not only fun, but a great release. Ben Balda, senior, said, “It gives people a way to vent out their anger”. Freshman, Alexander Rios said, “It’s a good way to raise money for cancer.” Tyler Meeker, sophomore, stated, “It’s fun and reasonable.”