Shaun White To Compete In 2018 Olympics

Avery Miller, Cougart Co-Editor, Community Builder Co-Editor

The popular snowboarder, Shaun White came in clutch, scoring a 100 at the latest U.S. Grand Pix event, setting himself up for his favorite win – a third gold medal at the 2018 Olympics.

White’s winning run on the half pipe on Saturday, January 14th 2018, included two of the hardest tricks in all of snowboarding. The Double McTwist 1260 that the athlete himself patented, and the Frontside Double Cork 1440.

Of the four spots on the Olympic snowboarding team, Ben Ferguson secured his spot, along with Jake Pates. The fourth spot is now being competed for. Shaun has competed in the 2006 Olympics, 2010 Olympics, 2014 Olympics and soon to be the 2018 winter Olympics.

After White’s horrific crash, in October 2017, we are all looking forward to seeing White back on the halfpipe.

Sources: Sports Illustrated