Girls and Boys Cougar Basketball at McKale Center

Laura Mejia, Sports Editor

The games played by both the girls and boys basketball teams were least to say…heartbreaking. 

The games were both extremely close and extremely similar. The girls game, we were up most of the game but it was a really tight game against Pueblo. They were on the brink of going into overtime, but within the last 4 seconds left in the game, the ball was made in to the basket by one of Pueblo’s post players, having them take the win home. Games like those are always the best to win but worst to lose.

The boys game was super similar. They were up for the majority of the game and they, as well, were on the brink of overtime but in the last 2 seconds of the game, the ball was tipped in.  May I repeat TIPPED IN, and Mountain View took the win for the night. It was such a good game to watch, but the ending of the game was absolutely unbelievable to witness.

Although both teams took a loss it was a great experience for them to play at McKale Center and I don’t think they’ll forget it.