Choir’s Incredible Popsta Night

Connor Fries, News Editor

Sahauro is home to an amazing choir, and  every year our choir never ceases to amaze the hundreds of students and teachers here at Sahauro. This year the choir certainly outdid themselves, by designing a special dinner-theater night called “Popsta” that acted as an interesting spin on the classic fundraiser. Popsta night was held in the cafeteria, where choir decorated the cafeteria for the special night.

When guests arrived they were served a delicious spaghetti dinner before the show began. After all the guests were settled and finished, choir started the show. The show started off with a group performance of “Happy Together”, which was a strong start for the beginning of the night. Many songs were performed throughout the night, from Disney songs all the way to Broadway musicals.

Two members of choir singing a duet

Throughout the night, choir started to break off, and either performed solos or duets. Many songs brought tears to the audience, simply due to how beautiful it was. Rhea Rohr, senior, stated, “It was one of the most amazing and emotional performances I’ve ever seen.” She added, “Most of the songs were extremely moving and beautiful.” Another attendee, Allie Bable said, “All their voices were so beautiful, the food was delicious and the stage set up was done wonderfully.” At one point during the night, two members of choir-Cassidy Ratzan and Veronica Martinez performed an emotional duet which brought the remainder of the audience to complete tears. The duet was so moving even both Cassidy and Veronica started to tear up during the performance. Mandy Worrell, advanced choir member stated, “A lot of people see us as kids who know nothing but singing in a group, who have no individual talent. So, it was a great opportunity to show that every single person in our choir group has a unique and special talent, as well as a style other than classical.”

Choir’s Popsta night was certainly a moving event. From some witty stand up comedy to touching and moving songs, Popsta was certainly one of Choir’s most moving and impressive performances.