Sahuaro’s Winter Wonderland

Sahuaro's Winter Wonderland

Deartis Mason, Sports Recorder

Fall has Homecoming, spring has Prom, and winter has Winter Formal. This is the yearly event that gives students from all classes a chance to mingle and socialize together on a cold (hopefully!) winter night. Here at Sahuaro, one of our most popular upcoming events is the Winter Wonderland a.k.a Winter Formal, held this year at the JCC on December 8th.

Student Council has been working on this for over a month and many people like to attend because it’s basically prom for all grades. It gives you an excuse to go shopping and dress up with your friends.

Other than prom, this dance is the most expensive dance of the year. This year, the prices for Winter Formal are $40 for singles and couples are $75; the pre-sale is $30 for singles and $65 for couples. This year, it’s more expensive because StuCo hired a professional DJ who usually plays for night clubs.  Student Council is hoping for a great turn out this year. Danielle Jameson, head of the Winter Wonderland, says that she is confident about this dance and the place that they picked.

At this year’s winter formal, they are not going to be providing any food except candy and deserts, as well as lemonade and water. Danielle thinks everyone will like it because students from other schools can attend (with school permission) and be able to dance with you and hangout. This dance is more of a real dance because they will be doing slow dances and will be switching the music up.  The Homecoming was more of a party than a dance and you could wear what you wanted.

Be sure to show up to Winter Formal this year for the chance to win Snow King and Queen!