26 Teenage Girls’ Bodies Found at Sea

Avery Miller, Cougart Co-Editor, Community Builder Co-Editor

The sea hides many secrets and unknown stories. November 5, 2017, 26 girls’ bodies were found floating on the Mediterranean Sea. The girls were aged 14-18 and were thought to be traveling from Niger to Europe. At the sight of the ship crash, survivors were clinging to a floating rubber buoy.

Ships safely rescued 400 people from the water of them, 90 were women, 52 minors, and a week old baby were also on board. The people aboard were looking to escape poverty and violence in their homeland.

The bodies have taken for autopsy. Officials are suspecting they will uncover more information on the suspected cause of the accident – sexual abuse and sex trafficking. The case was further thought to have something to do with human trafficking. The ports of Nigeria and Europe are known to be high volume, with traces of moving people from port to port. 150,000 migrants have reached Europe by boat. Of those on the journey, 2,839 have gotten in accidents and not made it to Europe.

No other details have been released about the incident, but officials are digging deeper into the case.

Sources; CNN