Kevin Spacey’s Ingenuine Apology for Sexual Assault Accusations

Kevin Spacey's Ingenuine Apology for Sexual Assault Accusations

Jocelyn Reeder, Feature Editor

Kevin Spacey, a two-time Oscar winner, apologized on October 30 for what he said “would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior” after fellow actor Anthony Rapp accused him of his sexual conduct with him 31 years ago. Mr. Rapp was 14-years-old at the time, while Spacey was 27.

Spacey said in a statement that he did not remember any such encounter, but added that Mr. Rapp’s accusation “has encouraged me to address other things about my life.” He then reported he “loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and now I choose to live as a gay man.”  The accusations began on Sunday evening when BuzzFeed published an article in which Mr. Rapp stated that Mr. Spacey was trying to get with him sexually after a party at Mr. Spacey’s apartment. After all the other guests left, Spacey, who appeared to be intoxicated, “picked me [Rapp] up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold.” He reported that he did not squirm away initially because he had no idea what was going on.

Another accusation by Harry Dreyfuss has been brought up. He made the claims in an essay, also published by Buzzfeed, that during a rehearsal, Spacey repeatedly placed his hand on his thigh. Dreyfuss also claims that whenever he moved away, Spacey would follow him and continue to grab his thigh. Spacey has been accused of sexual assault and harassment by 10 individuals.

Investigations are still being held, and Spacey’s lawyer, Bryan Freedman, said that the actor “absolutely denies the allegations.”  He has been accused of sexual assault by multiple current and former employees of his TV show House of Cards. As allegations of unwanted sexual advances by Kevin Spacey against then-14-year-old Anthony Rapp have emerged, Netflix decided to pull the plug on House of Cards after the upcoming sixth season next year. Employees have reported that he had created a “toxic” work environment on set through his behavior. Several of the employees on the show spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing “professional repercussions” if they made their claims public.

Source: The Guardian, The Bloomberg